So get this, babies - yours truly Ratso Rattington here, reporting to you live from inside a rucksack! Can you believe the nerve of that Exo guy, trading me away to Grimsnak the Fleshfeaster? As if that two-legged mule could keep me contained!
Ol’ Ratso ain’t no stranger to a quick escape, so as soon as I got the chance, I slipped my tail back to rejoin the crew. And lemme tell ya, I picked a primetime to sneak into this musty sack, because we are on an adventure!
Just this morning I was nibbling a nice piece of moldy bread for breakfast when the whole village up and got moving. Before I knew it, I was bouncing along in the bag as Exo and his motley crew headed out into the deep dark woods. I couldn’t see much except furry arms and muddy hooves, but I heard plenty of juicy gossip between those big lugs.
From what I gather, these junior jerkweeds are out to prove themselves to the village elders. The plan is to raid some ancient ruins and make off with the shiniest doodad they can find. Along the way, they swapped more stories than a pack of rats in a sewer - who’s got six fingers, who’s got the most luck, who wet their loincloth on the last moon hunt… Ha! Youngins.
After a long hike, we finally came upon a huge mound crawling with critters straight outta my nightmares - giant bugs! I could feel the kids quaking in their boots, but they kept their cool. Once the coast was clear, down into the tunnels we went.
So here I sit amongst the snacks, getting jostled around while the gang chooses their path. Personally I hope they pick the tunnel with the most grubs! I’ll be filing reports from the front lines, so stay tuned, blockheads! Ol’ Ratso’s got the real scoop, straight from the Ratsack!