Well butter my whiskers and call me Squeaky, you ain’t gonna believe the wild ride yours truly just been on with them junior jackanapes from Loparr! When I last reported in, we was fixin’ to poke around inside a giant insect mound, and lemme tell ya babies, the freakshow didn’t disappoint!

After that tussle with the frogtongue whatsit, the kidlets was feelin’ cocky as a rooster in a henhouse. They shimmied on down the tunnels till we entered a cavern with a mess of them big ol’ burrower critters lollygaggin’ around. Now my fur stood straight as a toothpick when I saw them beasties just a-snoozin’ away, but them reckless whippersnappers just tiptoed right on through! Well I’ll be dipped, they actually managed not to get et alive! ‘Course that knucklehead Exo had to go bump one a them sleeping uglies. Next thing ya know all them critters is wide awake and clickety-clackin’! But slick as snot, them kids hightailed it outta there before the burrowers took a bite.

A little deeper in and we’re talkin’ full on weirdville, babies - a whole passel of glowy see-through burrower critters with creepy crab claws snappin’ from their translucent bellies. Buncha fleshy ropes hangin’ off ’em too, lit up neon blue and wiggly as a nightcrawler. Now I may just be a rat, but that mess didn’t look right to ol’ Ratso. Still, them youngins snuck on through while I kept snug as a bug in my rucksack. ‘Cept poor Hydro - soon as he brushed one a them critters, them blue tentacle deals lashed out and stuck him good! He let out a squeal like a stepped on mouse and started hackin’ away at it till the dang thing peeled off. That boy’s luckier than a two-headed coonhound he didn’t get himself kilt!

Just when I’m fixin’ to move my tails to the front pocket for a peek, we spill out into this room tangled up with weird stringy spiderweb stuff wall to wall. And who do we find stuck in the middle of this mess but some human sized roach fella jawin’ about adventures ‘cross the ocean! Called himself Jasper Hucklebug or some such. Once the kids cut him loose, he spills the beans ‘bout some buried metal tunnel he saw, possible built by them old timey Ancients! Well that lit a fire under these crazy coots, and they start diggin’ away lickety-split. ‘Fore ya know it, they done hacked open a hole and crawled on inside! Sounds like the start of a real shebang if ya ask me!

So keep them peepers peeled you mugs, cause ol’ Ratso ain’t leavin’ this story ’til he gets the whole scoop! We got glowy critters, landlocked ocean crossers, and secret tunnels - who knows what else is in store for these junior jetrods from Loparr! I aim to sniff out the real nitty gritty, so stick with me babies! Yours truly, ace reporter Ratso Rattington, signing off from the front lines!