Well paint me pink and call me Percy babies, wait til you hear the latest from yours truly, ace reporter Ratso Rattington! I was just settling in for a snooze amongst the jerky sticks when KABLAM - these junior jackanapes start banging away on some kind of metal pipe they found! I’m telling you, the racket was loud enough to wake Frankenstein’s monster from his beauty sleep. And lemme tell you, it woke up something a whole lot uglier!

Before you can say “insecticide”, this massive burrowing bug comes barrelling into the tunnel, meaner than a junkyard dog. All claws and mandibles, looking for trouble. Now those youngins might be green as grass, but they didn’t flinch one bit. Brave Smokey charged right in, swinging his stone axe like DiMaggio with a Louisville slugger. After a few whiffs he finally landed one on the critter’s boney-head that sent its wig spinning.

Well that was all she wrote! The rest of those crazy cats jumped into the slug-fest, hammering that freak from all sides. Dust, Elise, Cloud H - even that palooka Prodigy got his licks in! It was a real pier-sixer babies, slashing, bashing and thrashing up a storm. I hunkered down and ate my jerky, sure they were done for. But somehow those mugs took that giant insect down! They whooped and hollered loud as a canary.

After the smoke cleared, the kids got to yakking about where to go next. And get this - that little weasel Jasper tried to pull a fast one and slip away while the sluggin’ was on! But Exo shut that down tout suite. Wasn’t the first time that crook tried to fly the coop, but he didn’t get far with Exo on his tail.

So after all that rhubarb, the junior jackanapes decided to see where this cockamamie pipe led. One by one those maroons crawled inside, into the dark unknown! It sounded like they ended up climbing down some kinda huge metal slope, hootin’ and hollerin’ about walkways and chasms and other crazy gizmos. I couldn’t see a blasted thing, just heard ‘em gasping and caterwauling - it was wilder than a three ring circus! And then, just when I thought the thrill ride was over - SCREAMIN’ MIMI! Turns out that screwball Longshot took a long walk off a short plank if you catch my drift. Fell right into the darkness like a sack of potatoes off the Empire State Building. I couldn’t believe it!

Take it from ol’ Ratso kids, this caper is just getting warmed up! Stay tuned for more red hot action from the front lines. Who knows where this crazy joyride will take us next! One thing’s for sure - it’s gonna be hotter than jalapeño peppers at a salsa contest before we’re through. Keep following me for the real 411! Your ace reporter Ratso Rattington’s got the whole scoop!